OMG! just fiished reading Twilight after having vomitted for the last three days ( -.- ) and was therefore restricted to my bed.

I AM IN LOVE WITH EDWARD CULLEN !!!!!! XD hate my life why cant he be real for gods sake?? :'(

                  About three things i was absalutely positive.

First, Edward was a character out of a very well written book.

Second, there was a part of me - and i didnt know how dominant that part might be - that knew  that vampires and increadibily perfect men didnt exsist.

And third, i was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

oh shit part 2

yay! my dad looked at the guitar and all we have to do is buy a new string. silly me for not realizing that!

oh shit

a few days ago i got my first guitar! XD I'm getting good and i think its really fun. trouble is i just sat down to do some blogging, and accedently manage to nudge my guitare standing beside the chair and SHOOF  BANG It falls face flat on the ground. praying with all m yheart that it is still alive, i delicately pic it up to see to my horror that one of the strings was broken off! my dad has alreeady left for work and im not gonna tell my mom shed kill me and its 10 in the morning so i have to just wait for ages till dad comes home tonight... :(

40 degrees

Wow! it sure is warm here. An not just pleasently warm, but sticky "where the hell is the air conditioner" warm.

 Today we became members of the Nordic Club, a clubhouse hangout for skandinavs so finaly we can go swimming! its really cool there they have like two pools and a spa and all these activities and classes like salsa, art, arobics... I really think its sooo awesome! We had lunch there today, gissa vad Michis KYCKLING MED RIS OCH GORDNOTSSAS! ( no swedish letters on my dads computer ) var alsklings ratt! They also have deck chairs so i am planning on a ( hopefully ) little tan.

Yesterday we went to my dads work ( my dad recently got a job here as the boss of some agracultural project ) and the staff are so nice and OMG the cook rocks! I LOVE this indian/bangladeshi food. The only problem is i ate a little too much of the spicy stuff and my stomach didnt exactly thank me for it later.  

I havent found any singes of horse riding here :( Saw a horse driven cart today (looked very out of place) but i doubt they have stables here in the horible humidity. how the hell will i survive moving here if there isnt any horse riding???!!!???

I've baught a few shirts now which i think are really nice. I cant post any pictures up because my dad doesnt have Samsung Transfer program installed which i forgot to bring over here. Heres a picture of the nordic club anyway that i got off the internet


we finaly made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after 18 GOD DAMN HOURS of cramping neck and collecting baggage and chasing norina around at the various airports - we finaly arrived! XD Norina made a friend on the flight from New Deli to Dhaka and on the flight from London to New Deli the flight attendant was Super nice :P I had been intending to take a pic from the air but in the end i never dared in fear of the mobile signals interfearing with the engine or watever and dooming us all :-O       
    When we got to Dhaka ( bangladesh capital city ) it was so overwhelmingly warm i ghasped when we stepped out of the plain. We had to take a little mini bus to the terminal and there was this guy who worked there that helped us the whole way with our baggage and everything it was very very nice. He was getting a bit in the way though and when we all went to the bathroom to freshen up we thought we'd lost him. However when my mum got into a bit of a dilema at the checkout place or watever ( 40 mins of waiting!!! ) we saw that the man was waiting with a trolly outside XD aawwwwwww!!     however some other of his airport colleges had smelt the oppertunity for a tip seeing as every white person in most turist countries are presumed to be stinky rich. When the man at the checkout FINALY let us out we went to get our suitcases. it was kind of scary because now 4 people were clinging on to us - all despirate to be the claimers of the tip. However mum and i knew that the only one who had actually helped us was the skinny man, but when one of the other ones started loading our suitcases onto HIS trolly, we guessed that we would have to pay him too. Then there was this other guy who just kept following us around doing no good at all, adn acting as if he was. But when we got out of the airport and dad wasnt there because he was late ( surprise surprise :P ) the "important" man let us borrow his cellphone because our swedish sim cards dont work, we realized that this would mean quite a lot of tips. Dad had sent a college of his to collect us ( very nice man, hed gone all the way from his work just to stand and wait for us) which ment yet another tip and the driver that dad had used to get here - so 5 tips!! Our wallets would be empty before we'd even stepped into the country. And then a man popped up from nowhere and pretended as if hed been with us the whole time. I FELT LIKE PUNCHING HIM! But we could not be conned. mum told dad that he had nothing to do with us and dad delt out the money fair and square ( the skinny man the most, of course ) and then we came home to dads apartment.

I love it here! we're going shopping today so gotta go byebye!!! 


today we're packing!
got some cute pics of norina in my room i'll post them up ;-)

my little sister . . . <3 she found some of my old beads and thought they were awesome! :P


AAAAAAAA!! CUT MY HAIR!!!! its not that short though... :( and seeing as im not gonna be seing anyone for two months, it doesnt matter :P post up some picks tomorrow ( packing day ) luv youuuus all!!

night night XD

I already miss you :(

Just came back from leaving Speckles. Its depressing!! And its raining . .  The weather outside my door is like the weather inside my heart :( Oh well, it's only a little while without him, not my whole life. And a comforting thought is that we know the people who are taking him, and that hes gonna be totally fine. It's just that i'll miss him :(

fun sleepover

We had so much fun! Vi tog MASSOR med bilder !!! :D

och nästa morgon......

lite tröt . . . Guuuud vi hade SÅ kul!! So as you can see, we had a crazy night, just as i promissed! <3

no sleepy :(

Michis behövde packa, så det blev ingn övernattning :( aja, det får väl bli så FORT hon kommer hem från sin semester och det ska jag se till om!! :P Desutom så ös regnade det idag, så det har varit lite deppigt för mej den här fredagen. MEN MEN -

SOVER ÖVER HOS SAMMY! its gonna be really fun we have a wild night ahead of us! :P kepe you guys posted on the awesome avents to come. will post up some crazy pictures as the night wears on XD adios guysioes! <3 

Poem . . .

I woke up an hour ago and had to start tidying the house straight away cuz mom was in a panic , " the snickare is comming in half an hour and the apartment is horrible!!!!" so i had no choice but to start cleaning. FINALY im done, can sit and blogg XD

Today i might sleep at michaela's house.. HOPE I CAN! she's leaving on friday OR saturday for her vacation if shes leaving on saturday i can sleep over but if on friday i cant. i HOPE i can cuz we used to sleep over every weekend and we havnt had one for like 4 months :(   im leaving for the stable at 11... cant think of anything to talk about right now so ill just post up this poem i wrote.      

Sometimes it happens
In the middle of night
I wimper and stir,
And wake up with a fright
What was it that happened,
Could it have been?
My Everything left me
Was it just a drem?
It has to be faulse,
Or i'd not survive
If my Everything left me
I'd not be alive -
And as far as I know, im lying in bed
And although i feel drousy
I've not lost my head.
So what is it that's happended -
Please, i must know!
I glance up at the ceiling
And tears start to flow,
And i think of the wonderful things in my life -
I'll grow up, be happy, and become a wife.
But still thered be something
Missing in me
Like a dark empty hole in my family tree -
And though we're not really sisters,
We're closer than this
When i am with you, i feel only bliss
And i know it sounds cheesy, but i often do -
Lie in my bed and think only of you.
Our friendship is warm
Like a cup of hot tea!
I'll stay with you forever,
So long as you stay with me.
So please never leave me
Let it be a dream
Best Friends Forever!
We're the ultimate team :P
I'll go back to sleep now
Im drifting away
And when You smile tomorrow,
It'll make my whole day.

Safiya Leckie to Michaela Lagerqvist <3 :) Älskar dej michis

New Guy . . ?

Hey guys! Came back from riding. didnt get my favo pony, i got michaela's Lady Jane! Dont like riding her very much...Today in riding we did a test to see if u could meet the standards of the "gold horse" badge.  i passed but thats not very surprising seeing as today i rode in a group which is one level beneith mine.. :P
 oh well. Posative stuff is that speckles has a home for the summerholiday!! :D I wonder what this holiday has in store for me? i hope no1 changes over the summer! :( well, maybe some of the guys *cough cough* philip) but i still hope that we'll all stay friends. 
  What will the new guy be like? ? ive been thinking about it fr a while. Could it be the ever - puzzling Andreas who never came this year? Will he be a nice guy who is immideately influenced by philip and turned into a jackass?
(Andreas?) if your out there somewhere - hear my plea!! O.o

Rainy Summerholiday?

Just came home from the stable. was planning to be there the whole day, but michaela had to go home cuz of some avslutnings party tonight and i couldnt be bothered to wait all alone utill my riding lesson. Yesterday i rode my favo pony Petruska ( retarded name? ) hope i get her again today!!  

  First day of SUMMER HOLLIDAYS - its crap. it feels kinda like höstlov..? its my fault though, i complained it was too warm that day we had 28degrees so i guess i got what i deserved, and the rest of stockholm had to pay for it ( sorry guys! ) :P 
  den 17 juni smäller det! då åker jag till bangladesh. det ska nog bli kul, där säljer de en massa billigt har jag fått höra av Maman i 7b :-D sedan åker vi till england. ska ta privat ridlektion lektion där DAD HAS PROMISSED! och så kommer vi hem och är här hela augusti. då ska April skaffa hund, och gissa vem som ska få träna den?? :-D själv så hoppas jag att det blir en Golden Retriever, de är söta <3 April, välkommen till ett liv av fästingar och stinkande bajs ^^

First Chapter - Yay!

My friend told me about this site. i can NEVER keep myself going on diaries, so i dont see why a blogg would be ay better, but i thought it would be fun so i decided to try (Safya in a nutshell). so this is the first thing im writing on my new blogg...
what to say? ? maybe something about me. Or what a blogg is for - actual BLOGGING :P ok so today was my   skolavslutning - summer here i come! it still doesnt feel real. i just caught myself checking the time and telling myself that if i dont go to bed soon ill be too tired to wake up. but HA - i dont have to wake up at 6 tomorrow!! :D :D
  after my rainy avslutning, i went to a baby store with my mom to buy a new pram and the pet store to see if they could take care of Spekles over the summer  ( ANYONE WANT A RABBIT OVER THE HOLIDAYS?? )  but when we got there we didnt even bother to ask, becuase the place was just too depressing :(       
  Then we had mcdonalds to celebrate finishing school :P after that it was time for me to go to the BEST place in the world - STALLET! my riding lessons start at five. i had a great day today riding was really fun Michalea's dad (my best friends dad) got a great pic of michaela riding Lady Jane, her favorite little pony <3

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