
We made it to the United Kingdom!

Yesterday i woke up and realized i was in Lattice Cottage, and i actually smiled. I love this old house!

My aunts kitten is so CUTE! Will post up some pics when i can. His name is Mango, he's two months old and creamy coloured. He's soo playful this morning i played with him for like 45 mins XD Mango is quite shy still though because he's only used to my aunt and grandma, but if you wonk the feather stick around he kindof forgets that anything else in the intire universe exsists and thats the only way ive been permitted to get near him so far. I will make it my personal project to be friends with him before we leave.

We arrived here the day before yesterday. As soon as i stepped in to the big, lovely smelling house i ran to the room i always sleep in and flopped into bed i was so tired. On the plane i watched some movies one being "Dances With Wolves". Its a very good movie about this man who was in the army and goes to the prarie to "protect" white people from the native american indians. In the end he becomes friends with the tribe and blablabla its really good and its fun to know that my other uncle produced it.

Today my Mormor is comming from Sweden. We're gonna pic her up  from the airport at 5.

I know im just babbling about boring stuff but im kinda bored so ill just keep bordingly babbling till i bore the rest of you bored people.

Untill i get so bored that i give up.

Puss o Kram, Saffi!!!! XD


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