fun fun fun
We've been to the zoo ( ill put up the pics when i can) and were going to ride elephants but it was raining so they werent out :'( i was really looking forward to it!!!! People obviously werent used to whites and in the end found my family more interesting than the animals. After half an hour we had a flock of followers behind us. Im not trying to be funny.
We've also found a big shopping mall. Baught loads of stuff and found lots that i like they rock at handbags here. The best part is that most of it is reasonably cheap to begin with cuz its manufactured in this country, and then you can bargain to make it even cheaper. I got a 100% big leather handbag that i LOVE for 150kr XD
I've finished all the twilight books and now it officialy offical - I AM IN LOVE. Trying not to let it bother me that there's no such thing as a guy like Edward Cullen. I also watched the movie. It made laugh it was so fucking bad.
Only a few days left untill we go to England! its gonna be so much fun firstly because i love it there and secondly cuz im bonkers about all animals and my aunt just got a new kitten! :D
Bryan Adams - Here I am
Bryan Adams - Get off of my back
Bryan Adams - I will always return
Yiruma - River flows in you
the whole Bryan Adams, Spirit Stallion of the Cimmaron album is very, very beautiful check these songs out :-)
River flows in you is so beautiful it makes me cry every time
i know river flows in you! i seriously loves that song. hes korean did you know?plus my sister totally loves him and CAN play it on the piano
p.s. guess who i am.
1. elephants stink. be happy you didnt have to ride them. hahaha sounds weird
2. HAHAHAA the white people stalker thing was the funniest thing ive ever heard.
3. aah, welcome to asia, everythigs cheeap.
4. twilight is good. jacob is the best. but rob pattinson <3
5. bryan adams is good.
random: did u kno swedes think that when you fly to china and right when u get off the plane your eyes apparently becomes smaller. by the second. no kidding. srsly.
---- the chinese pereson whose eyes are shrinking as we speak.
wow that was long
OMG your sister can play river flows in you???? she has to play for me some time!!!!
Elephants dont stink.
Jacob is hot and robbert pattinson sucks at edward, hes so much.... BETTER in the book and bellas way too grumpy all the time. could have been a great movie im so dissapointed -.-
yeah they do.
jacob is hot have u seen him in the new moon trailer?? yeah true but rob pattinson is hot, way hotter than edwad. dude who wants a guy that sparkles or watever. yea the movie sucks though, me thinks next one should be loads better, different director.
omg i think th emovie is really good...but bella IS way too grumpy. but edward is perfect! seriously.
im so glad that u found a 100% big bag that was made of leather safiya..:P (work on ur english;)<3
when u coming home dude? missing you :(<3<3
Edward is amazing in the book and in the movie he talks and acts like hes slow in the head.
P.S. I'll work on my grammar Jubjub! ;P