Ive never been this crazy about ANYONE...

Wholy fuck why does he have to be famous?!?! If only he lived next door or something, and the rest of the world didnt want him too :( but who knows? im only 4 years younger than him, maybe ill end up marrying him some day? He is perfect for me :( Have you guys seen the new moon trailer? When he comes in It makes me shiver god damn it! :( <3

Postat av: SiMi

i totally agree with you OwO X> 0ㅈ0

2009-07-23 @ 07:06:14
Postat av: Saffrans Bulle

Agree with what?

2009-07-23 @ 11:38:09
URL: http://sleckie.blogg.se/
Postat av: jullis-*u kno the rest*

omFg! i had the EXACT same feeling about robert pattison!! i promise, the EXACT same feeling...but then i got over him and now iv gone back to my beloved johnny depp :P but ofc if i met him i wud like faint and turn all red (even thougb i never do) and die and giggle and stare and drool all at the same time :D missing you!<3

2009-07-23 @ 20:22:48

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