New Guy . . ?

Hey guys! Came back from riding. didnt get my favo pony, i got michaela's Lady Jane! Dont like riding her very much...Today in riding we did a test to see if u could meet the standards of the "gold horse" badge.  i passed but thats not very surprising seeing as today i rode in a group which is one level beneith mine.. :P
 oh well. Posative stuff is that speckles has a home for the summerholiday!! :D I wonder what this holiday has in store for me? i hope no1 changes over the summer! :( well, maybe some of the guys *cough cough* philip) but i still hope that we'll all stay friends. 
  What will the new guy be like? ? ive been thinking about it fr a while. Could it be the ever - puzzling Andreas who never came this year? Will he be a nice guy who is immideately influenced by philip and turned into a jackass?
(Andreas?) if your out there somewhere - hear my plea!! O.o

Postat av: april

its not andreas, its that guy bella knows who lived in china, philip said so

2009-06-10 @ 21:55:03
Postat av: Saffrans Bulle

oh... well iliked the thought anyway :P

2009-06-10 @ 22:02:32
Postat av: Fanny <3

Well r u sure philip said tht cuz bella said he wasnt sure

2009-06-12 @ 20:13:24

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