At 3.30 today, Maia and i began the long and trecherous journey to Paula's house. After a not-so-trecherous 30 minute train ride, we finaly made it to Islandstorget! :D

Paula has the cutest dog ive ever met (just found my soul mate here!) Kiara is her name. She also has an adorable 16 year old Tonkaneese (my favorite breed of cat) called Bastian. She ALSO has a very nice house and family. Love it here! x)

Ok, so first i was supposed to leave at 6 oclock so i could be home by 7, then i asked my mom if i could leave at 7 to be home by eight, and THEN i asked if i could stay till 7.30 and in the end Maia and i just ended up sleeping over! ;D

So im sitting here inhaling the jelicious aroma of tuna pasta, i think im just going to go take a look at Paula's drawing.

I got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good night...... :D <3

Postat av: <3

ur back!!!:D

2009-11-16 @ 20:29:49
Postat av: Sammy

i absolutely LOVE the picturre in the middle XD

2009-11-28 @ 21:25:32

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