Sorry guys :P

Spent the day yesterday with the best little horse that ever was, Superhästen Backi! :) <3 Finaly after almost half a year got a good pic of us together x)

However I'm still sick... And i think i owe an apology to my group in Music Class, seing as they have to perform the peice they're getting graded on today and I'm not there to sing with them :P I hope this doesn't mean that I have to perform alone next week . . . :S
I ALSO owe an apology to Daniel who might have to hold a speach infront of the class alone today, AND i think i owe one to Julia too. Except I think she's more of an optomist about my being absent from school, because it means that we can wait till wednesday to hold our Spanish speach :P

So I guess this means that I owe a big apology to Sammy, Philip, Harald, Elizabeth, Feride, Danny and Julia, Sorry guys!

So any minute now the Adapter for my laptop should arrive in the post, and I can start blogging and doing all the good old nerdy computer stuff from my room again! :D I'm so sick of using the slow family computer, soon it's back to sitting in my room with speckles in my lap, uploading pics from my camera and blogging till my fingers go numb . . . . x)


Oh by the way, this is the first ever video posten on youtube. Pretty lousy for being the record holder of such a staggering network, but what ever ;D


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